Series Articles Endometriosis (VII) Natural Treatment: FLOWER REMEDIES,
Before reading any article, you might want to know how to find the best endometriosis self help program, if you have endometriosis.
How to Find The Best Endometriosis Self Help Program
Written by Kyle J. NortonEndometriosis is a Chronic condition that afflicts over 5 millions women between 20- 40 years old age group in the US alone and increases rapidly in the world population, especially in Asia. It is caused by environmental toxins, unhealthy diet, and recent economical prosperity. During menstruation, the menstrual lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere else in the body causes endometriosis.
Endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side. Here are some essential conditions to find the best endometriosis self help program.
1. Qualification of the writer
Since conventional treatment has some success in treating endometriosis but without some side effects, qualification of the author becomes importance. It not only gives you the confidence to follow the program, but it also let's you know that the author also understands the conventional treatment and its side effect. I, myself prefer people with extensive experience in fields of diets and have been working for years with conventional medication and specializing in endometriosis such as dietitian, RN specializing in nutritional supplements, and alternative medicine.
2. Program written must pin point the treatment
The program should pin point the author intentions. How exactly will the program help ??
How long will it take ?? What types of treatment will you get??
3. Details of diagnosis
The program must also pin point each symptoms and causes. Since each woman experiences endometriosis uniquely, the treatment must also be designed specifically and uniquely for each of them.
4. Exact dosage must be given
Most endometriosis health sites only provide general information and for education purposes, it is hard to find any of them with specific dosage of treatment. For paid self help programs, it should provide exactly how much you should take and when is the best time to take them.
5. Must not alter much of the living style
Starting a new program is not easy. Some self help programs require you to change your diet or life style completely, this is a no-no for a self help program. Since our body requires time to adjust for any changes in the diet, abruptly changing your diet may do more harm than good. The best program should be one that makes you understand how the change will do in treating your disease and give you time to achieve that goal slowly.
6. Diet must be included in the treatment program
Using nutritional supplements or herbs are helpful in treating endometriosis. Without daily intake of healthy food, the program may not work effectively and the time required for the treatment may take longer.
7. Side effects must be included in the treatment
Some herbs may have some mild side effects, if taken in large doses or for a prolong period of time. The best self help program should also address that as well.
8. Given time length for improvement
Nutritional supplements and herbs may need time to take effect, but you will feel improvement within few days of treatment. The author should be able to tell you that.
9. Program must be written in daily English and is understandable for the purchaser
Program should be written in easy understanding daily English, you don't want to have a dictionary with you every time you read the program. Technical and medical term should only be used when it is necessary.
10. Refund policy
Even with the best self help program, it may not work for all women. Be sure you buy from one that has been in business for many years, with good reputations and offers at least 8 weeks refund guaranteed.
I hope this information will help and good luck on your treatment.
For the best treating endometriosis self help program click here
Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side.
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Endometriosis Articles (216 to 246) written By Kyle J. Norton
216. Endometriosis and Flower Remedies---Agrimony
Flower remedies--agrimony contains tannins acid that not helps to improve the small intestine in absorbing the vital minerals such as iron, magnesium but also helps to increase kidney function in urinary secretion thereby, decreasing the risk of water retention in the body tissues.
217. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies --Aspen
Aspen contains coniferyl benzoate, a essential chemical that helps to increase the liver function in inhibiting the bad protein and saturate fat resulting in lessening the bad levels in the bloodstream and increasing the nervous system function that helps to reduce the symptoms of endometriosis including unknown fear, anxiety, emotional and physical stress.
218. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies --Beech
Beech is antacid. Since imbalance of base or stomach acid reduces the ability of digestive vitamins and minerals absorption,beech helps to balance the over production of stomach acid in the digestive system, thereby, it reduces the symptoms of diarrhea for women with endometriosis.
219. Ednometriosis and Flower remedies -CENTAURY
Centaury is also a stomach tonic plant, it helps to improve the digestive system in absorption of vital nutrients resulting in reducing the risk of nutrient deficiency which is found in most women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.
220. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies--Borage
It is said that borgage helps balance the levels of estrogen and progesterone during menstrual cycle, therefore it not only helps to reduce menstrual cramps for women with endometriosis but also for women with premenstrual syndrome.
221.Ednometriosis and Calendula
Calenduda contains substance that helps to relieve tension of intestine caused by gastric disturbances resulting in improving the function of digestive system in absorption of essential nutrients that are necessary in reducing symptom of endometriosis.
222. Ednometriosis and Garden ( Common Sorrel) Sorrel
Garden sorrel is said to helps restore the blood circulation in the body caused by imbalance of ying and yang qi in the blood resulting in improving the blood circulatory function and lessening the symptoms of endometriosis including emotional and physical stress, anxiety and depression.
223. Ednometriosis and Carnation
It said that carnation helps to relieve the symptom of nervous disorder caused by hormone imbalance for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle resulting in emotional and physical stress, fatigue, tiredness, insomnia and anxiety.
224. Ednometriosis and Clover
Clover contains high amount of fiber that is necessary for the the muscles of large intestine in moving stool that helps to reduce the risk of constipation for women with endometriosis with endometrial implants and adhesion attached to secretion organ thus reducing menstrual cramps.
225. Ednometriosis and Flower Plants--Coriander
Coriander contains high amount of vitamin A. Besides helping to decrease the risk of heavy bleeding for women with endometriosis but also helps to increase the immune system infighting against abmornal cell growth resulting in endometrial implants and adhesion, tumor and cancer.
226. Ednometriosis and Cornflower
Besides helping to improve function of kidney in secreting the urine, it's fiber rich property increase the function of large intestine in moving the stool resulting in lessening the symptom of constipation and reducing menstrual cramps caused by endometrial implants and adhesion attached to secretion organs.
227. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies --Dahlia
It is said that Dahlia contains inulin that not only helps to increasing the function of kidney in secreting urine but also improve the lymphatic function resulting in reducing symptoms of breast tendernessfluid retention in the body tissues.
228. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies -- Day Lily
Dai Lily has been used in Chineses medicine to improve the function of the lung in oxygen absorption, thereby, it increasing the effeciency of oxygen and nutrients transportation in blood stream for the body cells need, resulting in increasing the function of immune system in fighting against diseases including the endometrial implants and adhesion.
229. Ednometriosis and Flower remedies - Delicious Monster
Delicious monster fruit containing high levels of potassium, like banana that help to regulate the levels of sodium and improve the lymphatic function resulting in lessening the risk of water retention in the body tissue and breast tenderness for women with endometriosis.
230. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Fuchsia
Fuchsia is said to help to provide more the energy to body by increasing the fat and protein metabolism resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis including fatigue, tiredness and loss of memory due to aging.
231. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Gardenia
Gardenoa contains chemical genipin that helps to increase the function of liver in carbohydrate synthesis resulting in lowering the glucose in the blood stream that helps to improve the function of the nervous system and reduce the risk of blood clot resulting in lessening the symptom of endometriosis including emotional and physical stress, anxiety, fatigue and tiredness.
232. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Garland Chrysanthemum
The ancient Chinese use for this flower was as a blood tonic, to help clear toxins from the body and to assist the functioning of the kidneys and bladder. It's a gentle diuretic that helps with cystitis and water retention, and is also a deodoriser. The leaves are used extensively in cooking as a chop suey green and the petals are crushed into butter, fat, batters and sauces to lend colour and flavour.
233. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Geranium
Geranium is said containing substances that help the blood vessel to contract resulting in lessening the heavy blood flow for women with endometriosis and heavy blood flow during menstruation.
234. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Gladiolus
It is said that gladiolus has been used in traditional South Africa medicine to help to improve function of digestive system in absorbing the variety of nutrients which are necessary for women with endometriosis because for what ever reasons, most of them are found to have some kinds of nutrients deficiency during menstrual cycle.
235. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Hollyhock
Hollyhocks is a flower plant in the genus Alcea family of Malvaceae and native to southwest and central Asia. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating chronic catarrh, and hayfever with catarrh and allergic rhinitis.
236. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Honeysuckle
Honeysuckle has been used to increase function of liver function in fat and protein metabolism, that helps to improve the function of nervous system that helps to reduce the tension of cells in the brain resulting in increasing the information transmitting between cells and reducing the nervous tension that cause symptoms of endometriosis.
237. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Jasmine
jasmine contains sedative property, it helps to reduce the tension of nervous system during stress resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis including emotional and physical stress, insomnia and depression.
238. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Lavender
Lavender is said to contain chemicals that helps to reduce the inflammation caused by physical impact or abnormal cell growing in the wrong part in the body, including endometrial cells, thereby, it helps to reduce the risk of endometriosis.
239. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Viola
Viola is a flower plant belongs to in the violet family Violaceae, distributed around the world. Most species are found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating high blood pressure. Do not take pansies and violas medicinally for long periods of time as they can cause nausea and vomiting.
240. Ednometriosis and Flower Redemies - Plumbago
Plumbago is an antidyspeptic. it helps to improve function of digestive system in absorbing vital nutrients for the women with endometriosis because most of them are found to have some nutrietns deficiency during menstrual cycle.
241. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Poppy
Poppy contains alkaloids. they are chemical compound that help to relieve the tension of nervous system for all causes therefore it also reduces the menstrual cramps for women with endometriosis caused by over active uterine muscles.
242. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Rose
Rose contains high amount of vitamin C which helps to reduce the risk of breaking off of the small veins in the abdominal region resulting in reducing the risk of heavy period flow for women with endometriosis in the abdomen.
243. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Snapdragon
Snapdragon contains anthocyanin which can easily convert to flavonoids that help to strengthen the capillaries wall and improve blood circulation in the abdominal region resulting in recucing the risk of heavy period bleeding for women with endometriosis.
244. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Sunflower
Sunflower contains high amount of linoleic acid, an unsaturated omega 6 fatty that is essential in aiding liver in fatty acid metabolism resulting in lessening the risk of hormone imbalance caused by over production of certain members in the prostaglandins family.
245. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Tulip
Tulip also known as tulipa, is a flower plant belongs to the family Liliaceae, native to southern Europe, North Africa and Asia. It has been used in tradition medicine in treating skin rashes, insect bites and bee stings.
246. Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Water lily
Flavonoid afzelin in the water lily helps to increase the elastic of the small veins in the abdominal region resulting in lessening the heavy blood flow caused by breaking of of the capillary walls for some women with endometriosis during menstruation.
END of the Series